House of York
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Living Creativity | News | House of York

The Harmony of Minimalist Maximalism: A House of York Perspective The Harmony of Minimalist Maximalism: A House of York Perspective

Wooden spoons are timeless kitchen essentials that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. Cherished by cooks for their versatility, these classic tools not only enhance your cooking experience but also add a touch of warmth and tradition to your kitchen. Discover seven compelling reasons to incorporate wooden spoons into your culinary toolkit!

Embracing Calm This Holiday Season Embracing Calm This Holiday Season

The holiday season is like a whirlwind of merry madness, with tasks and events popping up like holiday lights! But fear not, keeping your zen is key! Here are five savvy strategies to sail through the holiday hustle without losing your cool!

Stress-Free Summer Hosting Stress-Free Summer Hosting

As summer rolls in like a beach ball at a picnic, it’s the perfect excuse to kick back and soak up good times with your favourite people! Plus, it’s party central! To keep those hosting jitters at bay, get your game plan ready and channel your inner party maestro. Check out these fab tips to tackle those hosting butterflies as summer shines bright!

Creative Uses for a Tea Caddy Creative Uses for a Tea Caddy

When you think of our tea caddy tray, you may think of serving tea, but it has many practical and creative uses at home. Discover innovative ideas to expand its utility beyond just serving tea right here!

Simple DIY Christmas Décor Ideas

Christmas time is here, the holiday season is upon us and Christmas carols are heard everywhere. Many people all over the world adopt this holiday and celebrate it by decorating their homes and gardens, as well as having family reunions accompanied by massive, belly-filling feasts.

House of York & NMMU Design Competition 2014

Part of House of York’s goal while doing business is to uplift the community and create a positive change. This time, we chose local education to do so.

House of York’s 12 Days of Christmas

We all know the song starts “on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” – but we’re deciding to do something different. We can’t wait all the way until Christmas to give our loyal fans some amazing prizes, so we’re having our own 12 Days of Christmas.

Do Your Christmas Shopping Online

We at House of York cannot believe that Christmas is next month, but believe it or not, it is. As we mentioned in our tips from last month, the best thing for you (and your bank account) is to get your Christmas shopping done and dusted now already.

Pin it to Win it Competition

Imagine browsing through Pinterest, seeing something from a particular brand that you love, and being able to win that! Now you stand a chance to!

Start Preparing for Christmas Now

Believe it or not, Christmas is nearly upon us and before you know it, you’ll be hearing the carols and seeing the decorations in the shops. Before you say anything, yes, we are very aware that it’s only the end of October. But think about it. If you start preparing for Christmas now already, you’ll most definitely reap the benefits.