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Pocket Friendly Holiday Activities

20 June 2023
Pocket Friendly Holiday Activities -  fort

The long June holidays are almost upon us and we know that the age-old phrase will be ringing through our ears soon enough: I’m bored!

These dreaded words can send any parents into a flat spin, especially when you have to consider that most activities cost money, and we’d rather be saving that for an action-packed December holiday. The reality is that, most of us are counting our pennies more closely these days and a long school holiday can set us off budget quite a bit. So, to make up for the six extra meals your children will be eating in a day (it is almost a universal experience that our children’s stomach capacities increase by double when they are at home all day), let’s look at some activities that will cost you very little and keep your children busy and happy…and out of the fridge.

Make a rain gauge

With all the rain that is heading our way, making a rain gauge is the perfect way to keep your children busy, getting outside and learning during the winter holidays. It’s all made from recyclable items that can easily be customized to your child’s liking.

Encourage your children to check it often whilst teaching them the importance of water conservation.

To learn how to make your own rainwater collector, click here:

Paper dolls and aeroplanes

This is a timeless craft for kids and can keep them occupied for hours on those rainy days inside. Paper dolls can go across the board with various characters and clothing templates available, or even designing your own. A good paper plane race down the passage can include mom and dad too.

For DIY paper doll templates, click here:

For a super-fast paper plane, click here:

Dinner and a show

Games like charades and Pictionary have become well known in most homes, but why not kick your family game night up a notch by including some theater games? Not only does it teach essential skills like focus, listening and improvisation, it’s also bound to have the family in stitches by the end of the night. So, cook up your favourite Friday night meal (or order in, it’s been a long week for you and the kids will love it) switch off the TV, put down the phones and let the games begin.

For ideas on theater games, click here:

With all the devices and instant entertainment available to our children, sometimes a good splash in muddy puddles or a walk in the park can be engaging and so much fun! Entertainment doesn’t need to cost a fortune and can be done in the warmth of your home.

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